Keith Tyler

Medieval Europe


Freedom from France

Hurrah! At long last, our Church and its Pope are free from the dreadful captivity it endured under the thumb of the French. Much have Christians to be thankful for.

Is this release of our religion a sign of good things to come? Will the return of the pontiff to Rome bring with it a return of our Church to its senses?

Perhaps the relief of our Church at seeing its traditional Italian home again will remind it of its duties. Perhaps it will realize the mission of Christianity.

Now that our Pope is free of the Captivity of Babylon, can we not hope that he will likewise free himself of the greed which Babylon represents?

Can we not hope that his Cardinals will free themselves of the pride and arrogance, which they too must have picked up while within its city walls? Will the Church now be free of killing and false witness?

If only reasonable men could hope that the return of our Church to Rome could result in this! It would be truly a cause for rejoicing. For not only would the Church reclaim its rightful spot in the earthly world, it would reclaim its righteous spot in the world of the heavens.

Christians, worry you not of the Pope's return to St. Peter's throne. For the Pope has survived exile in the lands of sin and decadence that is Babylon.

And you may hold true that the Church has escaped with no mark on its character, and remains clear of sin.

But regardless, pray for it to be so anyway.