Keith Tyler: Papers and coursework
Parallel Computing Spring 1999
A Java program which emulates DFA automatons and tests randomly generated
strings on them. Click here for info.
Computer Graphics Winter 1998
A simple 3D bouncing-ball graphics program in
Writing for the Professions (Middler Year Writing Requirement)
/ Fall 1998
The Problems in Computer Literacy Education: Are We Preparing
Students for a Computer-Intensive Future?
This was a MAJOR project compared to the rest. The introduction
Native North Americans Fall 1998
Women in Lakota (Sioux) Culture [Untitled]
A discussion into whether there has been a change in the status of Lakota
women over the course of its history. C+
Maine Indians [Untitled]
An evaluation of the Indian successes in the land claims settlements of
the last quarter of a century. Also investigates the implications of
gambling as a means of Indian development. n.y.g.
Class, Power, and Social Change Fall 1998
Northeastern and the Roxbury Development
An alternative look at the dispute between Northeastern University and the
city of Roxbury over plans to build a new residence hall on public land
there. B+
Computers and Society Spring 1997
A response to the CPSR "Seven Basic Principles" of the Net by Borenstein.
Final paper. A?
Midterm essays
Topics discussed: 1. Formal vs. informal knowledge. 2. Internet
communities in light of Oravec and Wellman. 3. A response to the ACM Code
of Ethics. A-?
Medieval Europe Fall 98
On the end of the "Babylonian Captivity" of the Church
On the death of Thomas á Becket
On the death of Jan Hus
On the death of Joan of Arc
On the Norman Conquest (of England)
Persona papers
A manor lord: Early M.A.
At the manor: Late M.A.
Period pieces
Gothic cathedrals
Spain in the High M.A.
Comparison of Christ Triumphant, Ratchis Altar, and Ravenna Mosaic (pieces
of art)
Rather difficult to 'get' without seeing the images.
The Crusades: Ideal, Truth, and Shadow (play)
The topic was as such ("between the idea and the reality lies the shadow")
dealing with the Crusades. It being a play was my own idea.
History's 'Dark Ages'
The topic was basically "Dark Ages? Who says?"
The decline of the medieval Church
Basically, was it its own fault or not?
High middle ages politics
Compares the Magna Carta with Frederick's Statute in Favor of the Princes,
and three Spanish decress which were in a similar vein.
A Divided Civlization as Strength
The question was how the heck did the chaotic Medieval Europe manage to
make it into the 1500s? My answer is, in a sense, its own confusion.
Women in the Middle Ages
For some reason I never do well on this kind of paper.
Assorted assignments
Essays on professional ethics written for a
Cooperative Education development class. Spring 1997